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Information about the Band

A singer songwriter, Stuart Scholes-Corbett, writes, records and produces the music, as well as playing all the instruments and providing the vocals. Started in 2010, Solarisdreams have just released their debut EP 'Subliminal' available from their website.

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Additional Info

SOLARISDREAMS, guitar based melodic rock-pop fusion. Music with something to say.

'I'm a one man band' sang Leo Sayer in the seventies, a simple concept, the meaning of which has changed much in the interveneing years. Now a one man band can sound like an orchestra. I am a solo singer-songwriter and go under the name of Solarisdreams. I like to tell a story, having something to say and these songs are like a diary of my life, the people I have met, the places I have been. Experience distilled into music.....

I have been influenced by many artists during my career in many different ways. Both by studio music and live performances. You can derive much from either medium. These experiences mold the way you think and work just as much as the events in your own life, and are diverse in many ways.

I grew up with the rock music of the early seventies, primarily bands such as Led Zeppellin, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath. But also the music of American and Canadian artists like Jimi Hendrix, The Eagles and my favourite group, Rush. A band that has continued to influence me in many ways throughout the years with their constant reinvention and experimentation producing some of the most innovative music around.

I started out learning to play the acoustic guitar. I picked this up fairly quickly, but soon found I had more of an aptitude for the Bass (less strings and less confusion!!!). This lead to playing in a heavy metal band with friends. People came and went and the line up constantly changed. I began to write down my thoughts of the time and slowly these took on the form of lyrics, which I then set to music. As with most things this was hit and miss to begin with, but with time these improved, helped along the way by some lessons in music theory and basic techniques for bass guitar. My style has developed over the years, not so heavy and more melodic. Influenced over those years by the people that I have played with and the different styles that I have played.

I have had the chance to play in many bands and with many people in the last twenty years, playing both original and cover music in many different genres (rock, metal, blues, sixties, orchestral, theatre), both live and in the studio. The most recent project that I was involved in was a covers band, Ashbury Heights, playing Sixties standards.

I write and record my own music in a small studio of my own, playing all the instruments and singing all the vocal parts. I also produce, mix and master the material myself. You can find this at the Solarisdreams webstore. I am adding to this catalogue on a regular basis, so watch this space.