KEY figures in a football club partnership expressed their delight after debuting a new shirt sponsor in a tournament.

Brightlingsea Regent Walking Football Club (BRWFC) unveiled its new sponsorship deal with the Railway Tavern in Brightlingsea.

The new kit was worn for the first time in the North Essex Walking Football Alliance tournament held at North Road ground in Brightlingsea on Sunday, May 14.

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Sarah Capon of the Railway Tavern said: “I’m delighted that we were able to support the Walking Football club which does such a great job in keeping older men and women in great shape and living an active life.

“It’s a great way of enabling people to continue an interest which they might otherwise have to give up.”

The designer of the shirt’s logo is Stan Capon, Sarah’s stepson, who is doing a full time illustration degree at Norwich University of the Arts.

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This was Stan’s first foray into sportswear design and he is excited to continue working in the field.

Malcolm White, BRWFC chairman, added: “We are extremely grateful for the support shown by the Railway Tavern which has enabled us to follow the unique colour scheme taken by the Brightlingsea Regent first team design created by Elizabeth Hewitt and chosen by the Brightlingsea Manager Brett Munyard at the start of the season.”